Wednesday, November 21, 2007

6 Weeks to a More Vascular, Muscular, and Lean Body

As I have mentioned in previous posts, it is a good idea to change up your routine every now and then to keep your body guessing and forcing it to make adjustments which will lead to more muscle growth. I have also talked repeatedly about how important intensity is in any routine if you want real results. Well, I have once again proven these concepts to be true in my own life over the past 6 weeks and I wanted to share with you what has worked so well for me.

Simply stated I have been using a routine that involves very low rest times between sets ( I mean very low), low weight, and strict form, and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

This method of training is quite different from my usual training routine which consists of heavier weight where I can push out 6-10 reps and increasing the weight each set with rest times between sets of 1-2 minutes. Using this type of training I had put on some muscle weight, but it wasn't the high quality,- lean - hard muscle I was looking for. I was bigger, but losing definition and "shape" in the muscles. So I knew I needed to change things up.

I HIGHLY suggest you try low rest - low weight - strict form training for 6 weeks. You will be amazed at the difference it makes in your physique. You will be leaner, more vascular, and look more muscular. You will be leaner because you will be burning a lot more calories in the gym then normal (providing you keep the same diet) while at the same time pushing excess water out of the body (providing you stay hydrated).

Here is a run down of a typical training day for me using this philosophy. The objective is to pump as much blood into the muscle as possible so that you can feel the muscle working. It will hurt a little and you will sweat A LOT.

Chest - Biceps

Exercise 1

Dumbbell Bench Press

- I like to start with dumbbell bench press because it is a great weigh to pump blood into your pecs at the beginning of your routine. While I normally start of with 80 pound dumbbells and work my way up to 100, I only use 60 to 70 lbs dumbbells for this routine and keep the same weight throughout the entire exercise. It will take you a few workouts to figure out the correct weight to use. Put the ego aside and don't be afraid to move down the rack to lighter weights. You will be surprised at how heavy the become by your 3 or 4th set.

Sets = 4-5 - 12 Reps

Strict Form - Go slow, controlled, and deep on the decent and power up on the press but don't lock out your arms. Keep the tension on the pecs. You want to try buildup some lactic acid in the muscle to create that pump. After 12 reps don't drop the weight, rather rest them on your thighs in a seated position for a period of 10-20 seconds no more. Just count in your head then right back down for 12 more reps. Do this again for 2 or 3 more sets. If you find that by the 2nd or 3rd set you can't get 12 reps then you are using too much weight. Take a mental note for next time and increase your rest period a few more second so that you can complete them this time.

Exercise 2
Incline Bench Press Smith Machine
- Again, I use low weight. Smith machine is great because you don't have to worry about a spotter.

Sets 4-5 10 Reps.
Again, form. Slow, controlled, and deep on the decent -contract and power through the press.
10-20 seconds rest in between sets. Remember to take deep controlled breathes both during and after movements.

Exercise 3
Decline Bench Press - Smith Machine

Same thing- 4-5 sets 10 reps

Exercise 4
Dumbbell Fly

- You should have an incredible pump and the dumbbell fly will really help you carve out that muscle at the end of the chest routine. Can't stress it enough...STRICT FORM. Use your chest and only your chest to bring the dumbbells together. Stop when they are about a foot apart which will keep constant tension on the pecs.
When I am completed with the Chest portion of my routine I am covered in sweat and take a few minutes to rest and prepare for hitting biceps. When I feel I am ready I go about it like this...

Exercise 1

Barbell Curls
- Strict Form. Elbows back and against your side. Squeeze the biceps at the top of each rep.
Sets 4-5 Reps 10

Same rest times. 10-20 seconds will give you just enough times to drop the weight, take a few deep breathes and the start again.

Remember - If you find you are tiring out to quickly. DROP THE WEIGHT. It is more important in this routine to reach the set number of reps, pushing maximum blood flow as opposed to the amount of weight you use.

Exercise 2
Alternating Dumbbell Preacher curls
Sets 4-5 Reps 10

Exercise 3
Dumbbell hammer curls

- I don't alternate during this exercise except maybe for a few reps on the last set.

THAT'S IT. I assure you if you stick to this type of training for 6 weeks you will notice dramatic improvements in your physique.

Here are some additional tips to get the most out of the 6 weeks.

1. DIET - Make sure you are getting ample amounts of protein. YOU WILL NEED IT. Aim for 1-2 grams per pound of body weight daily. In addition to protein, use creatine to supplement the muscles.

2. GET A GOOD FAT BURNER - I use ENERFIT of course and have no doubt that you will love the fat burning benefits it can produce during a workout like this.

3. GET LOTS OF REST - At least 7-8 hours a day.

4. DRINK LOTS OF WATER - You will need to keep hydrated especially before a high intensity training session like these. Aim for a gallon of water per a day.

5. FLEX - During and after your workout. This will help keep blood flow in the muscles and will give you greater control over the muscles during your workouts.

I would love to hear response from some of you that try this to see what type of results you achieve. Good luck!