Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Melting Away the Holiday Pounds

Christmas and New Years have past and it is time to get serious about getting that ripped toned hard body. But if you are like most of us, you ate and drank a little more than you should over the holiday season and might be carrying around a few extra pounds. You also might have taken some time off from the gym and are lacking exercise motivation. Here are some quick and easy tips for getting back into the gym and for removing that holiday fat.

1. Watch a good bodybuilding video like Pumping Iron. Seeing images of the physique that you crave will get you motivated to get back into the gym.

2. Stay alert. Taking a product like ENERFIT will help fight off lazy attitudes that may prevent you from diving back into your routines.

3. Increase volume and intensity. Increase the repetition range and decrease the rest periods between sets. You will burn far more calories this way. You will need to use less weight then usual but that is ok. At this stage we aren't trying to pack on mass. We are trying to get lean again.

4. Eat less more often. Cut calories and eat 6-8 times a day. During the holidays we tend to eat large serving sizes and then rest for long periods of time slowing down the metabolism. We need to ignite the metabolism and eating small meals more often is one of the best ways to do this.

5. Get a good fat burner. Again , ENERFIT is what I recommend.

6. Drink lots of water. This will help you flush your system and combined with the increase in training volume and the fat burner, it will help you shed water weight.

7. Cut carbs. Try cutting carbs in half for a week or two. For example, if you eat a hamburger, only eat one half of the bun. Cutting your carbs will help you burn body fat during exercise as well as during rest.

Use these 7 tips and you will be ripped in no time. Spring is only a few months away so you want to start now.

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